Take control of your digestive health today

Take control with personalised treatment from an expert dietitian
Do your unpredictable GUT SYMPTOMS mean that you are:
Cancelling plans with friends and family?
Avoiding foods you love or not eating out because you don’t know what foods you can tolerate?
Fed up with restrictive diets that you are not sure even work?
Tired of endless doctor appointments and expensive tests that never seem to provide answers?
Spending money on unreliable tests and supplements?
Wasting hours researching contradicting recommendations?
Feeling that your symptoms are affecting every aspect of your life?
The good news is that is is entirely possible to better manage these gut symptoms with diet and lifestyle so that you are in control and not your gut symptoms.
BSc Hons Nutritional Science
PgD Dietetics
Specialist Gastroenterology and Surgical Dietitian
Member of the Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC)
Member of the British Dietetic Association
Qualified in Low FODMAP diet (Kings College London)
Supplementary prescriber

Do you have a question about how I can help you? Please fill out the form and I will get back to you soon.
For in person consultations, I am based at ProPhysio, Greengates, 5 Greenfield Lane, Hoole,
Chester, CH22PA
07776 158 776